Looking for a way to keep track of LeetCode problems without the hassle? Automatically keep track of your notes and problem data in Google Sheets and have easy retrieval in the extension at any time!
LeetTracker is meant to be a simple, hassle-free way to keep track of LeetCode problems you have done. When you view any LeetCode problem, the extension will display the problem data (title, difficulty, tags, solve status) within the pop up along with a user-submitted form to keep track of time and space complexity and general notes. Once a user submits this form, a Google Sheets spreadsheet will be created and formatted as a table if it isn't already created. Then, the data will be uploaded either as a new row entry if this problem has not been submitted before, or as an update to the row containing this problem. When you visit this problem again, the extension will pull this data into the pop-up and remind you of what you wrote!
Please reach out to us if you have any comments, suggestions or feedback!
LeetTracker is completely free! We do not track or store data in any database and use Chrome storage for QOL. All API calls are to Google APIs and nothing else. We ask specifically for permission to :
LeetTracker is dedicated to making the process of tracking LeetCode problems done by the user easier by automating the process of recording problems within Google Sheets. The extension reads the LeetCode HTML as well as takes in a user-submitted form in order to populate rows that will be uploaded to a generated Google Sheets. The extension itself does not store data of any kind and communicates purely with Google APIs.
We are completely unaffiliated with LeetCode. This is simply a tool designed for increased productivity with the site.